I have been at the Kennel now for almost two weeks and the last few days we have had trouble with one of the dogs. His name is Bevo. A Lab mix who I think is about a year old. He has been huddled in the corner of his cage and when anyone or anything comes near him he snaps at it. Today I made friends with him. I was in the cage laying down paper and he just walked up to me and started sniffing me. So I just let him and finished laying the paper. By the end of the day I was on the floor petting him. My Co-workers all think I am Crazy. I just think he's scared of being in a strange place with strange people. I totally understand how he feels. I have been stuck in places where I didnt want to be and have snapped at a few people. (verbably just incase you did get that) All he need was some time to realize we didnt want to hurt him. Its kinda funny because the owners are paying be bucks to get Bevo trained and the Trainer cant even leash the pup. Maybe tomorrow he will still want to be friends and we can leash him with no problem.
Here are a few pics from today at the Kennel. I don't have one of Bevo right now. I didnt want to scare him with the flash.
This is Molly. She is a 3 month old red bone coon hound and she is the cutiest and the sweetet baby in the kennel. I want a dog like this one day.
This is Dakota. I call her Stevie Mc Queen because she always m anages to escape but she doesnt get to far.

It snowed last night if you didn't hear. The weather here is getting so weird. One day it's sunny and almost warm. The next it's snowing.
Sorry for half of this page being underlined. I did something and I don't know how to get it off. Im still learning how to manage this blog. Any help you can give me I would be thankful.
Good post Ash....like the pics of all "your" dogs!!!