Today at work I got bit. Yes bit. Right on the face too. Oscar is a medium size boxer that came in for a bath and toe nail trim. I was helping Amy with a toe nail trim. I'm afraid of cutting the dogs nails. I hate hurting them. So I only cut the light color nails. Amy was on the bath details so I was going to help her cut the nails and I was going to go to lunch. I took Oscar out if his kennel and sat him down in the Bathing room. Amy sat in front of him while I sat next to him with one arm around his belly and the other holding his paw. Amy got one whole paw done before things got weird. She asked me if he was grawling. I didn't hear or feel him grawl so I asked her why. She told me to look at his mouth. He was moving his mouth up and down like he was talking and no words where coming out. He didn't show any signs of aggressions so I didn't think much off it. But Amy seemed a little spooked. So I tilted my head around to get a better look at his face. He lunged at me slamming his head into mine. Amy jumped up and away yelling Oh My God! I let him go and stood up grabbing my face. I was a little dumb founded. Like did that just happen? I thought he just head butted the hell out of me until Amy told me to got to the bathroom. I removed my hand from my face and saw that it was covered in blood. Great he busted my lip I thought. So I just stood there for a moment to see what everyone was doing. Amy and Robert where trying to keep the dog from running off but weren't going to touch it. I saw that he was still on the leash near my feet I moved over to step on it so he wouldn't go anywhere. Amy yelled at me to go to the bathroom an she would take care of the dog.
When I got to the bathroom and saw that my cheek and mouth was covering in blood. My check didn't look to bad so I threw on some toilet paper to stop the bleeding. I was spitting blood into the sink to see what the damage was. I thought with this much blood the dog must have knocked outta tooth. That scared the hell out of me. But no I still had all my teeth. The dog had some how sliced open my gum. When my cheek stopped bleed I could see that I had small a slash on my check. Nothing to be freaked out about. He hadn't taken a chuck or anything. I got off lucky.
I left the bathroom an looked for my manager. I could see that in the five minutes I was in the Bathroom Amy had told everyone in the building what had happen. The lobby was a flutter of people talking, panicking, and wanting to she what had happen. Amy told me she didn't know how I could just stand there after I got bit. That she would have been running all over the place screaming. I told here that would have just made the situation worse. In my life I have learned that panicking does no one any good. Paul the manager was fumbling over his words trying to get someone to take me to the Dr. I looked at him, and said I was fine and that I wanted t call my Husband.
I tried to keep my voice calm when I called AJ. I did want him to panic and get into a accident on the way to get me. I couldn't drive because the slash was right under where my glasses sat and I was sorta blind. LOL.
Both my mom and AJ showed up to get me. I could see they where a little worried when I walked up holding my face. They thought I got bit on the hand or the arm. Not my face. You know how moms worry.
At the Doctors I almost pass out. I hadn't eaten all day (remember I was going to lunch after the clipping) and the adrenaline was wearing off. I spent the whole time at the doctors laying down. All he did was clean it off, put a couple of adhesive strips over it and gave me a antibiotic. He wanted me to get a consult from dentist for my gum and one from a plastic surgeon for my check. I was more concerned over my teeth. I can live with a little scar.
AJ spoils me. After the doctors he took me out to get a milk shake, which was all I could eat because my lip and check where all swollen up. And he let me go shopping while we waited for my medicine. AJ hates going cloths shopping with me. LOL. Plus he gave me a shoulder massage when my neck started hurting.
My sister was outside when I got home. The first words out of her mouth was It's not that bad. I laughed at her because I knew mom exaggerated the whole story. Jack probably thought I was going to look like Frankenstein.
The Doctor didn't give me any medicine for the pain so I took one the doctors gave me for my back a little while back. It's suppose to make you sleepy. I get completely wired on it. That's why I hardly take it. I become sooo chatty. I will not shut up and I will not sit still. I stayed up until 3 in the morning talking to my mom. She thinks its funny as hell that the medicine does that to me.
When I got to the bathroom and saw that my cheek and mouth was covering in blood. My check didn't look to bad so I threw on some toilet paper to stop the bleeding. I was spitting blood into the sink to see what the damage was. I thought with this much blood the dog must have knocked outta tooth. That scared the hell out of me. But no I still had all my teeth. The dog had some how sliced open my gum. When my cheek stopped bleed I could see that I had small a slash on my check. Nothing to be freaked out about. He hadn't taken a chuck or anything. I got off lucky.
I left the bathroom an looked for my manager. I could see that in the five minutes I was in the Bathroom Amy had told everyone in the building what had happen. The lobby was a flutter of people talking, panicking, and wanting to she what had happen. Amy told me she didn't know how I could just stand there after I got bit. That she would have been running all over the place screaming. I told here that would have just made the situation worse. In my life I have learned that panicking does no one any good. Paul the manager was fumbling over his words trying to get someone to take me to the Dr. I looked at him, and said I was fine and that I wanted t call my Husband.
I tried to keep my voice calm when I called AJ. I did want him to panic and get into a accident on the way to get me. I couldn't drive because the slash was right under where my glasses sat and I was sorta blind. LOL.
Both my mom and AJ showed up to get me. I could see they where a little worried when I walked up holding my face. They thought I got bit on the hand or the arm. Not my face. You know how moms worry.
At the Doctors I almost pass out. I hadn't eaten all day (remember I was going to lunch after the clipping) and the adrenaline was wearing off. I spent the whole time at the doctors laying down. All he did was clean it off, put a couple of adhesive strips over it and gave me a antibiotic. He wanted me to get a consult from dentist for my gum and one from a plastic surgeon for my check. I was more concerned over my teeth. I can live with a little scar.
AJ spoils me. After the doctors he took me out to get a milk shake, which was all I could eat because my lip and check where all swollen up. And he let me go shopping while we waited for my medicine. AJ hates going cloths shopping with me. LOL. Plus he gave me a shoulder massage when my neck started hurting.
My sister was outside when I got home. The first words out of her mouth was It's not that bad. I laughed at her because I knew mom exaggerated the whole story. Jack probably thought I was going to look like Frankenstein.
The Doctor didn't give me any medicine for the pain so I took one the doctors gave me for my back a little while back. It's suppose to make you sleepy. I get completely wired on it. That's why I hardly take it. I become sooo chatty. I will not shut up and I will not sit still. I stayed up until 3 in the morning talking to my mom. She thinks its funny as hell that the medicine does that to me.

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