I wanted to go as a Ghostbuster this year but I didnt like the ones they had for sale. Im going to make mind next year in my own design. Its going to be awsome.
We also went and got our niece a costume this week. After many costume changing sestions she decided on the bumble bee. Its is a really cute costume. Worth every sent. Most halloween costumes now a days are soo cheap its rediculous. I bought a pair of cat ears while we were at Party city and they fell apart as soon as i open the package. Now i have to sew them back together so i can wear them to work. Speacking of work and Halloween. I have to get ready for the Kennels Halloween Party. I don't know what to make for the potluck. I was gonna make a pumpkin cake but two other people are making cake. So maybe I will make Your Dead Meanballs with Attack of the Killer Tomaoto Sauce. Or Vampire Stakes. (My famouse Garlic Pretzels) Get it Now?
I saw my first 3D movie. Shrek Forver After. I loved it. I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if it wasn't in 3D. The Glasses where just so hot too.
Went to Frightmare Convention 2010
Grrrr my zombie face.