Garage Find
AJ and I took a new route to work today and passed a garage sale. I miss Garage sales. I haven't got to go on any this year. You find the coolest stuff. And as we are driving by I saw this. And I wanted it really really bad but I had to go to work. So I started begging AJ to go back for me. He kept telling me no. I don't need it. Where the hell would I put? I begged him all the way to work. I even tried my pouty face. It didn't work he said he was not going to go back for it. But when he came to get me for lunch my giant yellow m&m was sitting in the back seat. Yea!!! Happy Day.

It's a little scratched up but I can fix it. I saw one at one off my old jobs and have wanted one sense. Now I have won for the small price of 5$. I think at Halloween Im gonna fill it with Candy. LOL.
Scrapbook Convention
I made out like a bandit. Every where I went I found clearance items.

I couldn't believe all the booths. I had walked into a small piece of heaven.
My new Tattoo
Well this the first part of it anyway. I plan to get the whole foot cover in the next few months. A little at a time. The foot is a pretty sensitive area. I got my old Chinese symbols covered. I didn't like them any more. They were just something stupid I got at 18.
AJ and I took a new route to work today and passed a garage sale. I miss Garage sales. I haven't got to go on any this year. You find the coolest stuff. And as we are driving by I saw this. And I wanted it really really bad but I had to go to work. So I started begging AJ to go back for me. He kept telling me no. I don't need it. Where the hell would I put? I begged him all the way to work. I even tried my pouty face. It didn't work he said he was not going to go back for it. But when he came to get me for lunch my giant yellow m&m was sitting in the back seat. Yea!!! Happy Day.
It's a little scratched up but I can fix it. I saw one at one off my old jobs and have wanted one sense. Now I have won for the small price of 5$. I think at Halloween Im gonna fill it with Candy. LOL.
Scrapbook Convention
I made out like a bandit. Every where I went I found clearance items.
My new Tattoo
Well this the first part of it anyway. I plan to get the whole foot cover in the next few months. A little at a time. The foot is a pretty sensitive area. I got my old Chinese symbols covered. I didn't like them any more. They were just something stupid I got at 18.
This is Rick Tucker at Hellbent Tattoos
Shrek in 3D
Mc Donalds
Happy Meals- Took my neice out for McDonalds both of us got the Happy Meals. We were both trying to get the Gingy watch and we both got the RumpleStiltskin toys So I went up to the counter to trade them in. They only had one Gingy watch left. Of course I had to give it to my neice. What kind of Aunt would I be if I didnt give it to her. She's lucky I love her. LOL.
I saw my first 3D movie. Shrek Forver After. I loved it. I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if it wasn't in 3D. The Glasses where just so hot too.
Good update Ash!